February 10, 2022 – Regina Public Schools is changing its COVID-19 safety requirement following an announcement from the Government of Saskatchewan. Read that announcement here.
According to that announcement, the Government of Saskatchewan expects school divisions to remove their requirements for mandatory vaccination/rapid testing and mask mandates when the Public Health Orders are rescinded after February 28, 2022.
With respect to vaccination, approximately 98 percent of employees are fully vaccinated. This adds a significant layer of protection in schools and facilities. However, as per government direction and as of February 14th, Regina Public Schools will no longer require adults entering any of its facilities or schools to show proof of vaccination. The school division continues to encourage all who are eligible, including students, to get vaccinated and/or to get their booster, when eligible.
Mask use
Until March 1, 2022, every adult and student in a Regina Public school, facility and transportation must wear a mask. After March 1st, the school division will strongly recommend continued mask use by students and staff. Mask use is an additional layer of protection during a pandemic.
In addition, Regina Public Schools will:
- Support and encourage employees and students who choose to continue to wear masks and encourage families to continue to ask their children to wear masks in school.
- Maintain enhanced cleaning protocols in all schools, buildings and buses.
- Encourage regular self-testing at home. Kits will continue to be available from schools.
- Remind school families to diligently monitor for mild, cold-like symptoms, including cough, sore throat and sneezing without fever and to stay home if they are present.
- Encourage families to notify schools if there is a case of COVID involving a student. Note that this is encouraged but not required.
Measures taken early in the pandemic continue to be in place for the safety and benefit of all. These measures include:
- air filtration upgrades;
- additional technology devices, program equipment and learning resources to support physical distancing; and
- more hand sanitation stands and water bottle fillers for student and staff use.
Field trips, tournaments and elementary extracurricular competitions, and mixing elementary cohorts for educational purposes will resume following the February break. Parents, volunteers and other school visitors may begin to access schools in a gradual and safe manner.
The school division will continue to consult with school administrators and with Regina Public Health and will revisit parameters prior to the end of the February break and thereafter.
To read a letter to parents from the Director of Education about these changes, please follow this link.