Please click here to read a message from Regina Public Schools regarding a one day STF withdrawal of noon hour supervision on Thursday, February 8, 2024.
Here are some frequently asked questions and responses to help you to plan for this change in schedule:
Withdrawal of noon supervision FAQ:
Q: What time will the school day begin?
A: The morning bus runs and school day will follow the regular schedule with school starting at 8:50 and recess at 10:30.
Q: My student takes the bus, how will they get home from school?
A: Transportation will provide buses beginning at approximately 11:30 am to transport students home, they will not return to school until Friday, February 9. Transportation will provide schedules to all bus families.
Q: Will there be bus supervisors taking bus attendance?
A: Yes, bus supervisors will take first bus and second bus attendance and will ensure students get on the correct bus.
Q: How will I know what time my child’s bus will arrive home?
A: Transportation will contact you directly.
Q: Will there be before and after school programming beginning at noon?
A: No, B and A programs will only run at their regular time in the morning and will be cancelled in the afternoon.
Q: My student does not take the bus, can they come back after lunch?
A: No, the school division has decided that all elementary students will end their school day at noon.
Q: Will my child be missing any work?
A: Teachers will post any homework, activities or recommended reading on EDSBY. Students are encouraged to read, use RAZ kids or to catch up on any homework.
Q: Will there be online learning?
A: No, there will not be online learning but your child’s teacher will be available on EDSBY from 2:00-3:25 if you have any questions.
Q: Will extra-curricular activities continue?
A: Any after school activities will continue as scheduled provided the students are able to arrange transportation. If we cannot get enough students to field a team for basketball, the game will be rescheduled. All noon hour extra-curricular activities will be cancelled.
Q: Will field trips still happen on Thursday?
A: No, the school division has cancelled all field trips on Thursday.
Q: My child is in SLC, will they have school?
A: SLC students will have regular school and regular cabs in the morning. SLC students will be cabbed home at approximately 12:00, students who attend afternoons only will not have school Thursday. Transportation will contact all families regarding cab times.