The Ethel Milliken School Community Council is excited to bring back the 50/50 fundraiser! Starting today, tickets can be purchased by anyone in Saskatchewan.The winner will take home half of the money raised and the rest will go toward our goal of a new sound system in the gym. Last year's winner took home almost $3600.00! This is an easy fundraiser, the more people who buy, the greater the prize! Please share the link with friends and family and consider promoting our 50/50 raffle on social media. Ticket sales go from January 16 until February 16. Ticket prices are 1 for $5.00, 2 for $10.00, 5 for $20.00, 25 for $50.00 and 100 for $100.00! The more you buy, the bigger the bargain. The draw witll take place at 7:30 pm on February 16. The total prize value cannot exceed $50,000.00.
Thank you for supporting our school click here to buy your tickets or to learn more!