Please help us to ensure our bus students arrive home safely and promptly by following these bus processes:
1. Make sure your child knows which but they ride; we have 4 different bus runs at our school. Each bus student should have a tag on their backpack indicating which bus they ride.
2. First bus students will come directly to the front office at dismissal, they will not go outside. Bus attendance will be taken and the first white and first pink bus students will be walked out to their bus by the bus supervisors.
3. Second bus students must go directly to the primary playground at dismissal and line up for bus attendance. They should not stop to play or visit. Second white and second pink students will line up at the primary playground and the supervisors will walk them directly to their bus.
4. If your child is a bus student who is at school but will not be riding the bus home, please inform the office. We take bus attendance and it is critical that all bus students are accounted for.
5. Students must wear a mask on the bus and are required to remain in their assigned seat for the duration of the bus ride.