March 9, 2020
Dear Parents and Guardians:
You may be aware that the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation (STF) is currently engaged in contract negotiations with the Government Trustee Bargaining Committee. The STF includes all teaching professionals working in Regina Public Schools, such as teachers, teacher-librarians, guidance counsellors, consultants, vice-principals and principals.
On March 9, 2020, the STF announced that it will be implementing sanctions beginning Thursday, March 12, 2020. The STF website notes Restriction of Services sanction will be implemented province wide for all STF members:
• STF Members are to report to school and provide professional service no more than 15 minutes prior to the start of the school day and not later than 15 minutes after the conclusion of the school day.
• Members will continue to provide student supervision, such as recess or bus supervision, within the time frame specified above.
• There is to be no provision of voluntary or extracurricular services during the sanction period.
As a result of this Restriction of Services from the STF, Regina Public Schools will be:
• Cancelling all extra-curricular activities, which may include all practices, games, tournaments, drama and music-related activities, and all school clubs.
• May change bus pick-up and drop off times. The Transportation Office will contact impacted families.
• For students that are not transported by Regina Public Schools, please ensure that students do not arrive any earlier than 15 minutes before school and that they be prepared to leave no later than 15 minutes after school.
• We anticipate there will be no impact to noon-hour supervision at this time.
We respect the collective bargaining rights of all Regina Public Schools employees. For the time being and, unless otherwise advised, all classes and curricular school activities will continue as scheduled. Our focus is always on student safety and in the event of any job action, minimizing disruption to Regina Public Schools students’ learning.
If we have any information or changes to school operations that you need to know about, we will share with families as quickly as possible. We will share information through a variety of means including current and important updates on our website, www.reginapublicschools.ca, on school websites, as well as on our Twitter account, @regpublicschool. In the event of sudden changes that you need to know about we will use our emergency telephone and text notification system.
Yours truly,
Greg Enion
Director of Education