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Celebration of Learning!

Ethel Milliken will be hosting a Celebration of Learning on March 12 (March 12 and 13 for kindergarten students.) A celebration of learning is an opportunity for our students to show their parents what they are learning, skills they have mastered, things they continue to work on and what a day in their classroom looks like.  A celebration of learning is student-let, hands on and experiential. Parents participate with the leadership of their child to experience what the students are learning in the classroom.

Kindergarten Registration for 2020-20201

We are now accepting registrations for kindergarten 2020-2021.  If you have a child who will turn 5 before December 31, 2020 and who was born in Canada, you can register for kindergarten at Ethel Milliken School!  If your child was not born in Canada, you will need to make an appointment at the Newcomer Welcome Centre 306 352-5775 and they will process your registration there!

Please stop by the office to get your registration package.  All registered kindergarten families will receive information about kindergarten orientation in the spring.

Family Golf Night

Ethel Milliken is so excited to be hosting Family Golf Night! This event is free and available to all students grade k-8 and their families. It will take place in the Milliken Gym April 9 from 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Registration forms will be sent home with all students.  Please complete and return the form in order to participate.  More information can be found by visiting www.reginakidsgolf.com

Pink Shirt Day

Tomorrow is pink shirt day.  Wear your pink shirt and remember to be kind, don't be a bystander and stand up to bullying!

Now a movement celebrated across the globe, Pink Shirt Day has humble beginnings. Inspired by an act of kindness in small-town Nova Scotia, CKNW Kids' Fund, working with partners Boys & Girls Clubs and 980 CKNW, was inspired to raise funds to support anti-bullying programs. Here is a snippet of an article detailing the original incident: