Milli-CAN progress

Our foodbank fundraiser has officially surpassed the bins that the Regina Foodbank supplied us for gathering donations! Way to go eagles! Remember, the class who collects the most cans will win a pizza party. The can collection ends on Tuesday, May 24.

Family Treasure Hunt

Our SCC has organized a fun, family treasure hunt! This activity is optional but should be completed as a family between May 16-30. A treasure map will be sent home with the youngest/only child from each Milliken family. Have fun and be safe, there is a lot of construction around the school so this activity should be done with adult supervision!

May is for Milli-CAN

Our student SRC leadership team is collecting cans for the food bank. There are 2 bins in our front entry for canned goods. Teachers will keep track of the number of cans brought by students and the class with the most cans will win a prize! Students will also be participating in an Andy Warhol inspired can art contest! Drop you cans off in the front entry of our school or send them with your student. Community donations are welcome and encouraged. 

We are looking for

Canned fruit, canned vegetables, canned soup, canned stew, canned tuna/salmon, canned pasta.