Metis Dance Day

On November 24, the Ethel Milliken students participated in a Metis Dance Day. Teachers and leaders from Kitchener Community School and students from SunTep at the University of Regina gave workshops to all of our students and they got in a good workout learning steps from the Red River Jig, and the Rabbit Dance to name a few! Shout out to Mr. Wright who provided the live fiddle music and Mrs. Desjarlais and Mrs. Korpan who organized the day. We are looking forward to practicing and showing off what we learned in the future!

Healthy Hunger Wok Box Lunch

Hot lunches are back! We will be hosting our first Healthy Hunger Hot lunch on November 10! This hot lunch will be provided by Wok Box. Orders must be placed on the Healthy Hunger website by November 5. See the photo for information on how to create your Healthy Hunger account and place your order. All orders and payment must be done through the Healthy Hunger website. Click here to visit the site and set up or log into your account.


Fall Conferences

All families are encouraged to sign up for a parent-teacher conference. Conferences will be held on November 15; students will not have school that day. Kindergarten conferences will be held on November 15 and 16, there will not be school for kindergarten students on either of those days. Conferences will be approximately 15 minutes in length and parents have the option to attend in person or virtually.

Principal for a Day 2022

Congratulations to Nicky who was principal on Friday, October 28. Nicky was a very busy principal and had a great day. Students raised $452.00 for the United Way! Nicky earned money for his contest entries by shoveling driveways in his neighbourhood and asking friends and neighbours if they would donate to the United Way! Thank you to all who participated. Visit the photo gallery to see pictures of Nicky as principal.