School Clothing

Our SCC is offering an online clothing sale! You can purchase a variety of eagles clothing from the comfort of your own home. Visit the store by clicking hereThe store is open for a limited time so shop now for your hoodies, sweats, t-shirts, toques and other popular clothing items.

Board Chair and Vice-Chair Acclaimed

September 14, 2022 -- At the Organizational Meeting of the Regina Board of Education held last evening, Tara Molson was declared elected by acclamation to the office of Chairperson, effective immediately, and Sarah Cummings Truszkowski was declared elected by acclamation to the position of Vice-Chairperson, effective immediately.


In addition, the Board adopted the following motion:

Mabel's Labels

Help fundraise for our school and support our SCC while also labelling your children's clothing and supplies! Our SCC has an account with Mabel's Labels. Click here to find out more or to place your order! 

A message from the SCC regarding the family treasure hunt

Wow - the treasure hunt has been a success so far! We have loved seeing everyone’s pictures, meeting families at the treasure box, and hearing how excited the kids have been to participate!

With the nice weather and high volume of families passing through, we are starting to run low on treasure. Rather than keeping the hunt going until the 30th, we will close up once all the treasure has been claimed. Remember, one treasure per hunter!