
Absences Add Up!

Did you know?

1. Being on time for school sets your child up for a great day of learning.

2. Even in Kindergarten, absences can cause children to fall behind in their learning.

3. Missing 10 percent (or about 18 days) can make it difficult to learn to read – a critical future skill.

NEW DATE - Milliken Nation Open House and EMSCC Barbecue

Our open house & barbecue is Thursday, September 20th from 5:30-7pm.

We are very excited to reunite with our families and welcome the new members of our Milliken Nation families.

At 6:30pm we will host a mini workshop in the Resource Centre for those families who would like a refresher on how to use PowerSchool to see how their children are doing in reference to their learning agenda. Following this presentation we will hold a second session on how to pay fees online.

Be sure to mark your calendars for Thursday, September 20th!