Busses may be delayed today due to icy conditions. If transportation cancels busses tomorrow they will contact families by automated phone call. You can also listen to the radio for transportation updates. Please be careful as streets, sidewalks and driveways are extremely slippery!
Wear boots or overshoes with non-slip rubber or neoprene soles or grooved and large tread soles. Slick leather or plastic soles on shoes will definitely increase the risk of slipping. Ice cleats can be added to footwear to increase traction over ice. It is best to avoid heels when walking on snow and ice.
When getting out of your vehicle, look down at the surface to check if it is icy.
Use special care when entering or exiting vehicles and use the vehicle for support. Before standing, brace yourself with the vehicle door and seat back; this will give you some stability.
Don’t walk with your hands in your pockets. This reduces the ability to use your arms for balance if you do slip.
Take shuffling steps in very icy areas. Bending your knees a little and taking slower steps can greatly reduce your chances of falling.
Don’t carry heavy loads, such as large boxes, cases or purses that may cause you to lose your balance when you’re walking.
When walking, curl your toes slightly under and walk as flat-footed as possible
Don’t step on uneven surfaces. Avoid curbs and sidewalks with ice on them.
Place your full attention on walking. Digging in your backpack, brief case or purse, texting, emailing or phoning while walking on ice is dangerous.