Our school staff are committed to providing meaningful learning opportunities for your students during remote learning next week! If you choose to keep your child home early due to concerns about Covid 19, the teachers will not be teaching them remotely nor will they be sending individualized work home. The staff continue to teach the students who are at school while also preparing for next week's online learning. If you are keeping your child home, you can encourage them to read, to use Raz kids, Epic books or any math websites at home. Next week, you can expect both in person/face to face learning using zoom or Google classroom as well as some work, assignments and activities that students will complete independently during the day. We will continue to offer all our subjects including French and Arts Ed. during remote learning time. Here are some ways that you can help prepare your child for remote learning:
-Make sure you check your e-mail/See Saw and Google classroom regularly, teachers will be sharing schedules for learning and codes for face to face meetings with their students!
-Ensure your child has a good place to work and the supplies they will need handy; pencils, pens, eraser, papers, books etc.
-Have water and snacks available and handy for your child.
-If you have more than one child working in a common area like the kitchen table, have them use headphones to listen to their teacher and not distract others.
-Remote learning is not optional, all students are expected to participate.
-Please call the school if your child will be absent from remote learning just as you would call if they will be absent from school.
-If you are having trouble, please send a See Saw message, e-mail your child's teacher or call the school office 306 791-8489 so we can help you get logged on or answer any questions you may have.