Our staff is back in the building and working hard to be ready for our new and returning students! Families can expect an EDSBY message or email from their child's teacher Wednesday or Thursday with information about what to bring and where to meet on the first day of school.
Ethel Milliken is a very busy school and we often have a lot of movement and change at the beginning of the school year. When creating classes, the staff spent a lot of time creating classrooms that are balanced with a variety of student strengths and needs. Most years, when our final enrolments go to the school division mid-September, we need to make some changes to our classes. Sometimes we need to add a classroom or a teacher, sometimes we need to lose a classroom or a teacher and sometimes we need to change a classroom's grade level configuration. All of these changes require moving some students to a new classroom. For this reason, we ask that all students begin the school year in the classroom that was assigned to them. In mid-September, parents and students will be notified if changes will be made to their student's classroom.
We are excited to partner with our SCC to host an open house and fall festival on Thursday, September 21. This will be an opportunity for families to visit the school, meet the staff, and engage with other families and community. More details will be shared in the coming weeks.
Click here for our 2023-2024 Ethel Milliken supply lists grades 1-8 and click here for a kindergarten supply list. Students do not need to bring all their supplies on the first day of school. Transportation will contact families regarding bussing, the school does not have any bussing information at this time.
We look forward to seeing our students on Tuesday, September 5.