Students will be coming home with 2 Summer Blast coupon books to sell they are included in a ziplock bag along with instructions. Each book sells for $25.00 with $10.00 going directly to our school! Here are some FAQ's
-What if my family does not want to participate? Return the complete books in the ziplock bag to the school immediately.
-How do I sell the books? Collect $25, fill out "purchaser information stub" and detach it from the back of the book. Ensure the purchaser's name and the seller's name, grade and teacher are clearly filled out. Return the money and the stub(s) to school the very next school day in the ziplock bag.
-What if I want to sell more than 2 books? When the money and stubs are returned for the initial 2 books, students can request additional books. Money and stubs will be collected each morning, daily prize draws will be conducted each morning and additional books will be handed out each morning to students who have sold their 2 books and are requesting additional books.
-What do I do with unsold books? Promptly return them to school.
-When does this fundraiser end? All books, stubs and money must be returned to the school by Monday, April 20.
-How can my child win prizes? There are 3 daily draws for students who have returned stubs and money that day, there are prizes for the 5 top sellers, there are prizes for the top k-3 class and the top 4-6 class, there will be random prize draws and, if our school sells more than 550 books, there are opportunities for additional prize draws. All prize information is on the note included with the coupon books.
-Who should we sell to? Students are encouraged to sell to family, friends and close neighbours, students should not sell door to door unless they are with an adult and have their parent's permission to do so.
-How can people pay? Cash or cheque only.
-Who should cheques be made out to? Ethel Milliken SCC