As shared in exit conferences, Ethel Milliken will be facilitating report card pick up in the following manner:
- Report cards will be bundled together by family and sorted by legal last name as it appears in PowerSchool
- If siblings have different last names, it will go by last name of the youngest student
- Report cards must be picked up by a parent/guardian or contact who is listed in PowerSchool
- Students in grade 6-8 may pick up their own report cards and those of their siblings
- Please, as much as possible, only send one person to pick up report cards at the appointed time to reduce number of people gathered outside
- Please respect social distancing
- If you have tech, library books or school property, please bring it when you come to pick up report cards
- If you have a gift for your teacher, you are welcome to bring it, but you will not be able to take it into the school and you may not be able to see your teacher. We will ensure they receive your gift
- If you do not wish to pick up your report card, we will store it at the school and send it home in the fall with your child.
- Here is the schedule:
- Wednesday, June 24 9:00-11:30 am A-G
- Wednesday, June 24 1:00-3:30 pm H-O
- Thursday, June 25 9:00-11:30 am P-R
- Thursday, June 25 1:00-3:30 S-Z