Thank you for your patience as we begin to plan for the safest possible return to school for our Milliken staff and students. Please continue to check this website regularly as updates will be posted frequently in the upcoming days and weeks.
Registrations submitted by e-mail: If you registered by e-mail over the summer months, your registration will be processed the week of August 17. You should hear from the school regarding your student's registration at that time.
New registrations: New students who reside in our attendance area are encouraged to register by e-mailing the online form. If you do not have access to e-mail, stay tuned for information regarding paper registration.
Safety measures: There will be a number of safety measures in place that will change a lot of things about school including arrival, departure, entering and exiting, lunch, visitors, volunteers, activities etc. this information will be shared as it becomes available. Please check this website, the Regina Public website and Regina Public and Ethel Milliken social media for updates in the upcoming days and weeks!
Thank you for your patience and co-operation as we work to develop the safest possible nest for our eagles!