March 13, 2020
Dear Parents and Guardians:
I’m sharing this letter with all our school families to address some of the questions related to COVID-19 and what Regina Public Schools has done and will do in the future to keep both students and staff as safe as we can.
Regina Public Schools relies on the expertise and the direction of the Saskatchewan Health Authority, the Ministry of Health and Health Canada for any and all population health actions and responses that we take. As of the writing of this letter, we have not received any direction to alter how schools normally operate. We have, however worked to keep school families and staff informed with the most recent information our health partners and leaders have shared. These can be found on our website and in our schools. You are encouraged to visit this link often, as it is regularly updated. https://www.reginapublicschools.ca/health_and_wellness.
We have established a number of direct communication links with our school staff and with health authorities to ensure that, if we do encounter health-related issues in our schools, or are directed to act, we can move very quickly and deliberately to minimize health risks to our students and staff.
With respect to immediate and visible actions that we are already taking to promote health, wellness and safety in our schools, we are:
• Promoting regular hand washing in all schools and buildings.
• Providing additional supplies to support proper hand washing, such as extra paper towels, soap, informational posters and instruction.
• Increasing the frequency of cleaning in all schools and buildings and focusing on high touch surfaces to make sure that they are cleaned and disinfected several times per day. These surfaces include door knobs, desktops, lunchrooms, lockers and other surfaces and areas.
• Cleaning and sanitizing washrooms more often during the day.
• Beginning a regular, enhanced cleaning and disinfecting schedule of all our school buses.
• Using disinfectants and cleaners that are designed to eliminate germs and viruses, but that are also safe for students and staff.
• Ensuring that we have extra supplies of all cleaning and disinfectant products.
• Cancelling or postponing large audience, public events, such as Laughter for Literacy.
• Cancelling all out-of-country, division approved, travel for students and staff.
Regina Public Schools has also worked to reinforce understanding that students and staff should stay home if they are not feeling well, or if they may have been in contact with someone who may be sick. We are using Saskatchewan Health Authority’s direction on when and how long to stay home or self-isolate/quarantine.
Not related to COVID-19, there have also been a number of cancellations of activities, gatherings and events that normally would have taken place before or after school hours, such as art shows and sports events. Please refer to my earlier communication for details available here: https://www.reginapublicschools.ca/changed%20school%20hours
We have a number of other, upcoming planned events that may be cancelled or postponed on a case-by-case basis. We will continue to work to keep you informed.
Yours truly,
Greg Enion
Director of Education