School Cash Online Info: We will not be accepting cash transactions. All lunchroom and other fees will be posted to schools cash online.
Now available to parents/students of Regina Public Schools!
Benefits of online fee payment include:
- Safe - less cash travelling to school with students.
- Efficient - less cash to count and handle at the school office.
- Convenient for parents/students – make payments anytime, online.
- Payment flexibility through a secure website – debit, credit card (MC and VISA) and eWallet
Here’s how to register.
Step 1: CLICK HERE to get to the School Cash Online website:
Step 2: Follow the registration steps to set up an account and link your child/self to the account.
Step 3: Access your School Cash Online account to review your account and make online payments.
Note: The friendly staff at the School Cash Online Parent Help Desk are available to 24/7 (365 days) to provide any assistance you may require using the online system. Assistance is available on the School Cash Online website, by emailing parenthelp@schoolcashonline.com or by phone at 1-866-961-1803.
Please follow this link for a handy one page how-to guide to registration.