
Food Bank Donations Needed

We have only 2 more days to collect as much cans and non-perishable food items as possible for our CAN-struction challenge taking place this Thursday! Please send cans and food donations to school Wednesday, December 14 or in the morning on Thursday, December 15! Tell your friends and neighbours and help us to help those in need at this season of giving. We are looking for many more food donations. We are happy to accept community donations as well! Spread the word and let's feed the hungry in our city.

Kids Help Phone

December 12, 2022 -- Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7 e-mental health service offering free, confidential support to young people in English and French.

Mental health tips and info - With Kids Help Phone’s web resources, young people can get information about how their thoughts, feelings and behaviours are connected and what they can do to care for their well-being.

Healthy Hunger Boston Pizza Lunch December 8

We will be hosting a Healthy Hunger lunch from Boston Pizza on December 8. Orders must be placed on the Healthy Hunger website by December 3. Click here to visit the site. Healthy Hunger is a national company that runs hot lunches for schools, partnering with local restaurants. The school selects and works with restaurants who are partnered with the Healthy Hunger company to offer optional hot lunches.