SCC 5 Days of Giveaways
Our School Community Council is hosting a 5 Days of Giveaways contest beginning on Monday! Follow the Ethel Milliken SCC on Facebook and Instagram for more information and to enter the contest!
Our School Community Council is hosting a 5 Days of Giveaways contest beginning on Monday! Follow the Ethel Milliken SCC on Facebook and Instagram for more information and to enter the contest!
We will be hosting a Healthy Hunger lunch from Boston Pizza on December 8. Orders must be placed on the Healthy Hunger website by December 3. Click here to visit the site. Healthy Hunger is a national company that runs hot lunches for schools, partnering with local restaurants. The school selects and works with restaurants who are partnered with the Healthy Hunger company to offer optional hot lunches.
Congratulations staff and students of Ethel Milliken school, you raised $1326.00 for the United Way with the principal for a day, staff survivor, staff potluck and staff silent auction. The United Way is the charity of choice in Regina Public Schools and contributes to initiatives such as Summer Success Literacy Camps and Attendance Matters in Regina Public. Well done staff and students and thank you to Mrs. Schneider for co-ordinating our fundraising campaign!
On November 24, the Ethel Milliken students participated in a Metis Dance Day. Teachers and leaders from Kitchener Community School and students from SunTep at the University of Regina gave workshops to all of our students and they got in a good workout learning steps from the Red River Jig, and the Rabbit Dance to name a few! Shout out to Mr. Wright who provided the live fiddle music and Mrs. Desjarlais and Mrs. Korpan who organized the day. We are looking forward to practicing and showing off what we learned in the future!
Regina Public Schools has posted an RFP for a Before and After Program at Ethel Milliken School. Interested organizations can click here for more information.
4510 Queen St.
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4S 6K9
Phone: (306) 791-8489
Fax: (306) 523-3031