
High School Open Houses - Discover the Difference!

Explore unparalleled choices and opportunities open to all students throughout Regina.

Get the information you need on academic and extracurricular activities, as well as our unique programming such as Advanced Placement, Campus Regina Public, Martin Academy and the Balfour Arts Collective. Experience the best school spirit anywhere!

For complete information please view the Open House poster:  click to view

Premier Apology

In the spirit of Truth and Reconciliation, attached is the link for the Premier Apology in reference to the 60's Scoop.


Absences Add Up!

Did you know?

1. Being on time for school sets your child up for a great day of learning.

2. Even in Kindergarten, absences can cause children to fall behind in their learning.

3. Missing 10 percent (or about 18 days) can make it difficult to learn to read – a critical future skill.

2018 19 Class Supply Lists

Your teachers at Ethel Milliken School are excited to offer our parents the opportunity to purchase your school supplies through School Start for the 2018/2019 school year. This process will save you both time and money.

If you place your order online in June, you will automatically be entered for a chance to win a $1000 cash draw!

Here is the link for School Start and school supply lists for each grade -

Ethel Milliken Learn-a thon

The students of Ethel Milliken School will participate in their first ever Learn-a-thon to raise funds to support the completion of the outdoor learning space. 

This type of fundraiser will provide a positive educational experience for all of our families, as it allows families to work together to support their child(ren) with their learning experience. All students from K-8 will participate. Each grade will be given a list of grade appropriate knowledge questions to practice in preparation for their final test on Monday, November 6th.

United We Stand

Ethel Milliken School staff, students and the Ethel Milliken School Community Council have united together to finish a special project. This special project has been ongoing for the past few years and we are now ready to complete the necessary fundraising and planning by the end of this current school year. This is a huge undertaking and with the support of our families it is definitely doable. The proposal is for an outdoor learning space to serve three community groups:

1. Teachers and students of Ethel Milliken School by providing an outdoor learning classroom