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Virtual Book Fair is Now Open!

Click here to visit the Ethel Milliken virtual book fair! Book fair is open from May 10-20!

Join us at our Virtual Book Fair, from the comfort of your own home!

  • REMEMBER! Your purchases earn Book Fair Rewards that can be used for resources to support our students.
  • Orders are delivered right to your home! Safe and Easy.
  • FREE STANDARD SHIPPING on orders over $40!

Covid 19 Symptoms

Don't take the chance of passing COVID-19 on. Stay home if ill even if symptoms mild & don't wait to get tested. COVID-19 spreads easily. Follow public health orders & public health advice. Call 911 in emergencies or HealthLine 811 for advice and/or to arrange COVID-19 testing. If your children have any symptoms, please keep them home until all symptoms have been gone for 48 hours. Please keep our school and community safe.

Playground Clean up Work Bee

We are looking for some parent volunteers willing to help clean up our playground on Sunday, May 16. We cannot have more than 10 people at a time due to the health regulations so we have created a sign up. From 11:00 am-12:00 pm we are looking for 10 volunteers to clean up the leaves, garbage and debris from all around our school and playground; a leaf blower, work or garden gloves, and a claw or spike to pick up trash would be great tools to bring and, of course, wear a mask!

Introducing Edsby

May 4, 2021 -- Regina Public Schools is excited to introduce Edsby to all staff, students and parents/guardians. Edsby is a comprehensive digital learning platform that will replace the PowerSchool Parent Portal this summer. Parents/guardians will be able to use Edsby to keep up with what’s happening with their children at school and to remain active in the education of their children.

No Food Delivery Permitted

Students who stay for lunch need to bring their lunch with them to school. Parents should not be dropping off lunches and there is to be NO FOOD DELIVERY to the school. Skip the dishes, Pizza delivery etc. is not permitted. We want to minimize people coming and going in our building. Thank you for respecting these protocols and keeping our students healthy and safe.