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Supervision Reminder

Playground supervision for students who do not ride the bus begins at 8:53. We do not have supervisors for students who do not ride the bus prior to that time. Please do not send your students to school before 8:53! Classes begin at 9:08. If the temperature with the windchill is below -25 degrees Celsius according to Environment Canada, we will have indoor recess. Indoor recess for students who do not ride the bus begins at 8:53 as well.

COVID Case Identified, School Remains Open

January 25, 2021– the Saskatchewan Health Authority informed us that there was one case of COVID-19 in an individual at Ethel Milliken School.

For the safety of students and staff, and in consultation with Public Health, we have informed all close contacts and provided them information about self isolation. Affected students will begin remote learning and will not return to the school until February 4th.

Letters will be sent to all school families on Tuesday, January 26, 2021.

Survey time!

January 14, 2021--Your Board of Education and school division would like to know your thoughts about the recent temporary remote learning in which all students participated, before and after the holiday break.

We are asking parents, guardians, students and employees to participate in a voluntary, anonymous and confidential survey. Deadline for completing the survey is January 29, 2021.

A summary of the survey results will be on the Regina Public Schools website, when available.