
Remembrance Day

Our school Remembrance Day ceremony will take place on Friday, November 8 at 10:45 am.  Families and community members are welcome! There will be no school on Monday, November 11 in honour of Remembrance Day.

Please keep the candy at home!

Our students were very busy trick or treating last night but we respectfully ask families to keep the candy at home.  Besides having students with severe nut allergies who cannot be exposed to products containing nuts, we also want our students alert and ready to learn.  Excess sugary treats are not conducive to learning.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Too sick for recess too sick for school

Recess is a regular part of our school day, recess supervision is provided outside for our students.  If a parent feels a child is too sick to be outside for recess than he/or she should not at school.  We do not have supervision in the school or classrooms for students to remain indoors during recess.  Please make sure your children are dressed for the weather as they will be expected to go outside. Here is a guideline for when to keep you children home from school.