
Introducing Edsby

May 4, 2021 -- Regina Public Schools is excited to introduce Edsby to all staff, students and parents/guardians. Edsby is a comprehensive digital learning platform that will replace the PowerSchool Parent Portal this summer. Parents/guardians will be able to use Edsby to keep up with what’s happening with their children at school and to remain active in the education of their children.

No Food Delivery Permitted

Students who stay for lunch need to bring their lunch with them to school. Parents should not be dropping off lunches and there is to be NO FOOD DELIVERY to the school. Skip the dishes, Pizza delivery etc. is not permitted. We want to minimize people coming and going in our building. Thank you for respecting these protocols and keeping our students healthy and safe.

Welcome Back Eagles!

We are so excited to have our eagles back in the nest! Just a reminder to phone and excuse your student if they will be absent, if they have any symptoms at all please keep them home until they are symptom free for 48 hours and remember to keep your mask on and change it when it gets soiled, wet or after being outdoors, wash your hands often, follow the arrows and maintain social distancing!