Student Drop Off
We have many parents who are not following the rules when dropping off students. Regina City Police have been notified and may be issuing tickets! Please remember:
We have many parents who are not following the rules when dropping off students. Regina City Police have been notified and may be issuing tickets! Please remember:
September 7, 2021 -- When there is a case of COVID-19 involving a Regina Public Schools student or staff member, the school division takes the following steps.
Please help us to ensure our bus students arrive home safely and promptly by following these bus processes:
1. Make sure your child knows which but they ride; we have 4 different bus runs at our school. Each bus student should have a tag on their backpack indicating which bus they ride.
2. First bus students will come directly to the front office at dismissal, they will not go outside. Bus attendance will be taken and the first white and first pink bus students will be walked out to their bus by the bus supervisors.
To read the Director's message to families, students and colleagues about back-to-school protocols, please CLICK HERE.
To read a copy of the "Safe Return to School Guidelines" for fall 2021, please CLICK HERE.
Regina Public Schools has communicated some changes to the return to school for September 1st. We will no longer be having a staggered start for grades K-8, all grades K-8 students will begin school on September 1st. Playground supervision begins at 8:37. For safety reasons, parents and guardians should not enter the playground. All teachers and staff will be on the playground gathering their students and showing them the line up and entrance protocols.
4510 Queen St.
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4S 6K9
Phone: (306) 791-8489
Fax: (306) 523-3031